Our Workgroups

In order to engage with our members and to facilitate shared learning, the SNP Alliance hosts regular meetings with specific subsets of our membership to address key issues with relevant shareholders. These work groups are exclusive to SNP Alliance member plan participants, with occasional presentations from outside speakers with aligned interests. Workgroups are for members only. Each Workgroup has its own workspace containing meeting schedules, recordings, archives and research. Also, the Alliance strives to be member-driven while infusing internal expertise. To meet that mark, each work group has a team liaison to support the work as well as member co-chairs to ensure member voice.

I-SNP Group

This is a working group to address opportunities, challenges and best practices for I-SNPs both corporate insurer as well as provider-led plans. The work group has relationships with post-acute provider associations as well as the American Geriatrics Society.  

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Member Engagement Group

CMS has emphasized the importance of Member Engagement and voice in plan development and operations.  These bi-monthly meetings convene SNP staff with member engagement responsibilities to exchange best practice, develop strategies and policy to improve member engagement, and provide input on all SNP Alliance policy development to ensure beneficiary views and lived experience are built our work. 

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C-SNP Group

This is a working group to address, opportunities, challenges and best practice for C-SNPs.  Participation is open to members with C-SNPs are who are interested in launching C-SNPs.  This group also will liaison with disease groups which align with common types of C-SNPs as well as explore new types of C-SNPs. 

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Leadership Policy

This group focuses on current policy updates and issues. This group will provide input into strategic goals for the upcoming year. This group will also help frame new policy positions for SNPA, as well as be provided with updates to new projects and initiatives. Regular attendees to these calls include senior member organization executives and policy directors.

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Clinical Leadership

This group focuses on the intersection of policy and practice delivery design. It is intended to serve as a forum for CMOs, Medical Directors, Clinical Nurse Director’s, and other clinical and quality leads to share challenges and provide input into policy and quality measurement. The agenda will rotate by SNP type and MMPs. Attendees include CMOs, Medical Directors, Clinical Nurse Director’s and other clinical and quality leadership staff.

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Medicare-Medicaid Integration Group

This group focuses on issues to improve integration and coordination of Medicare and Medicaid policy, care delivery, financing, services and operational and administrative processes for dually eligible beneficiaries, including MLTSS and BH, through SNPs and MMPs and other demonstrations. This group comments on proposed CMS policy, rules and guidance on these topics, and is called upon to provide specific input to the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office and other related Medicare units. Regular attendees include: MMP, FIDE and D-SNP and other SNP leaders and managers, policy and government relations staff, MLTSS and BH managers, and content experts on MIPPA contracting and dual eligibility. Depending on the specific agenda, content experts on enrollment, marketing, networks, member materials and other related SNP and Medicare- Medicaid plan features may also wish to participate.

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Performance Evaluation & Quality Measurement Group

This group focuses on performance evaluation for SNPs, including quality measures and methods under Medicare and Medicaid, population stratification and risk adjustment, and “Best Practice” initiatives. This group also covers Health Equity and Model of Care. This group comments on proposed rules and legislation and analyzes and provides comments to CMS, NCQA, NQF, Mathematica, RAND, ASPE, NASEM and other key organizations/agencies. These meetings are attended by Chief quality officers, Clinical services VPs, Senior VPs or directors for Care management or population health or innovation, and data analytics senior directors involved in measurement and reporting under Medicare or Medicaid programs. NOTE: the Ad Hoc MOC sub-group reports to this PE/Quality Leadership Group.

Ad Hoc Model of Care (MOC) Sub-group

The Model of Care (MOC) sets SNPs apart from traditional Medicare Advantage. All SNPs must create and submit to NCQA/CMS a written Model of Care which is then followed for their SNP enrollees. The MOC has four domains including: defining the SNP target population, describing care coordination practices and processes, Identifying the provider network and transitions of care processes, and targeting quality improvement tailored to the population, with measures and targets.

This is an ad hoc group that meets as needed. It focuses on MOC best practice, liaison with CMS and NCQA and considers how to strengthen provider engagement with SNPs.  Due to the nature of MOC as both an evaluation and care coordination tool, this ad hoc group is a sub-set of the PE/Quality Leadership Group, also connects with the Clinical Leadership Group.

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Government Relations (GR) Group

The SNP Alliance has strong relationships with Congress and federal agencies including CMS.  Gathering, analyzing and developing strategy around our policy objectives is a critical portion of our mission statement – “We are a national force…”  To accomplish this, the Alliance needs coordination among its member’s GR teams to advise the Board and support our forward thinking policy work.  

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Policy Cabinet

The Policy Cabinet is a small group of member experts who focus on forward thinking, solutions-oriented policy aimed at advancing our mission and ensuring the SNP Alliance is the leading voice in SNP policy and systemic care for persons with complex care needs including integration. The Policy Cabinet work is based upon the Alliance’s work groups.  Its policy proposals go to the Board of Directors for approval and are used with Congress and CMS. 

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SNP Alliance Board Members

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SNP Alliance Business Partners

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State Policy Group

States play a key role in integration efforts.  This work group tracks and analyzes state integration policy and practice, contracting, and liaisons with state government associations.  

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